Early beginnings of DBSK8PRK
Just like in every city there's parks for baseball, soccer, and football. Even tennis players have a place to go and do their thing. What the city of Diamond Bar was missing was a place for kids, teenagers, and adults that love to skateboard to go to without getting tickets from the local sheriff's. So as the owner of Trinity I, with the help of many others decided to attend city council meetings in groups and present our case. What Trinity also did was start off the talks by offering the city money in hopes they knew how serious we were about giving our people a place to skate safely at.
After months of city council meetings, we received what we've always needed to keep skateboarders safe in our city, a skatepark, a place for our kind in our community could call home. In the Summer of 2000 the park we helped design and eventually funded (partially) was making its debut. On July 15, 2000 the opening of DB Skatepark finally made its mark.
However, kids still got tickets from the cops there for not wearing helmets and pads. Go figure! Hahaha. That only lasted for a few months though.
Enjoy some of the following pics in chronological order.
Day we broke ground with the city.
Groundbreaking Ceremonies
City of DB let us host a demo on day of groundbreaking in the parking lot.
Bobby G. w/ a board slide during the demo.
5 months later the park is done and we host another grand opening event
Opening day of skatepark on 7/16/2000. We were awarded a plaque from the city that day but it was eventually stolen off the entrance wall a few months later.
Nice turnout for the grand opening.
Thanks to the sponsors of the grand opening.
The future is always ready. He's got next.
Just some of the fam that believed in the dream. Derf, Lil' Steven, Albert, me, Katieann, Chris B., Brit, Jorge, Tony, Clair, Jonathon, squeezed out Greg L. (sorry bud)
*If anyone has additional photos from the grand opening we'd love to host them in this section so please email us at trinityskateapparel@gmail.com